Take me home!
Errol's account of the birth
Some stats on Ekko
Some pics of Ekko
Ekko's Friends
Ekko Firsts
The ultrasound pics, requires flash 5
Archive of past news

Ekko Firsts!

First Photo: October 22nd, the one that was censored for your protection on the photo page.
First People to Bring Flowers after birth: Bing and Andrea
First Person to bring present something NOT flowers: Marion Disselkoen with a Photo Album
First time Mommy Bathed Ekko: October 31st, 2001
First Visitor in the hospital: Joe Abbey-Colbourne.
First Visitor when at home: Although Mum and Dad were already at home, the first visitor was Linda, who used to be our neighbour.
First Visit to the hospital November 8th, 2001: Check out the logs on November the 8th
First Package: From Heather Buerkle
First immunization: November 22nd, 2001: Hepatitis B
First time smiled: December 4th, 2001
First time she was babysat: December 6th, 2001: Karen Paul at her house
First time at Church: December 2nd, 2001: Christmas Dinner at the Church of the Resurrection
First Christmas At Steve and Hiroko's house, also with Alana and Mike Doucette
First New Year's Eve Party: At the D'Silva'ss
First Social Day where she was smiling and cooing: January 1st, 2002 at our House, when the Pauls and Steve and Hiroko came to visit, as well as the Kents.
First time she was babysat at home: February 14th, 2002: Abbey-Colbournes... it was our anniversary
First time airplane flight: February 16th, 2002: Visiting Sault St. Marie
First time she laughed: February 20th, 2002: In her sleep, I didn't get to hear it
First Ski Weekend: February 24th, 2002: Paul and Em's Cottage
First time she rolled off the couch: February 26th, 2002: Dove was not happy
First Tooth: June 16th, 2002: We noticed the second one two days later
First wave bye-bye: July 3rd, 2002: Saying goodbye to Becky and Sandra (her OT)