I rarely update this blog. One reason is that Debs and Errol keeps me busy, and I’m doing Nanowrimo. But there comes a time in…
It’s 1:00pm EST. Here, it is only 10 in the morning. That means, if I had still been in Toronto, I would have slept in…
My friend since University, Chris Isobe, is getting married! Huzzah! And he is getting married in Vancouver. Keren and I decided to make it a…
Old School New School Steven Fischer has made a documentary on the nature of creativity and how one can reach his or her full potential.…
10 Creativity Tips From Donald Miller I found this posted on G+. Donald Miller is an author of the books Blue Like Jazz and a…
Describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year. Why do all of these prompts sound similar? Fine, what…
What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write…
Storypraxis is a site which encourages you to write everyday and they post it on their blog. Of courses, not every story gets accepted, so…