My Painting Totoro!
As you may know, Keren and I have been taking an painting class! We are learning how to paint with acrylics and it has been an immense amount of fun.
One thing I find fascinating is how she and I can be given the same picture, the same colours and yet produce a painting that is unique to us and very indicative of our own personality.
Last night, I finished a painting. It took me a long time. A very long time, I started it in February, when we were learning to do a monochrome painting. Since then, people finished theirs, and I, diligently worked away on my Totoro.
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The canvas itself is about 3×4 feet, something like that. And I wanted a blue colour so my art instructor suggested Phthalo blue. I am quite pleased with my Totoro.
And just for your enjoyment, I will include all the pictures I took as I was painting my Totoro! I’m so happy I’m done. 😀
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Love this!!! And Totoro is my favourite animated film ever.