My Wife Could Be Your Guardian Angel
Imagine this:
You are on the subway, and you trip, you fall and severely hurt yourself. You bash your head, it’s bleeding. Your arm is broken, and you’ve started going into shock from the pain.
When you look up, the last thing you want to see is my slightly confused mug. I wouldn’t be able to help you; I can barely fix the shelving units! Ok, I can’t fix them. But I do know how to program a mean shell script. That’s for sure. Well, not optimized or anything, but… wait, this blog post is not about my incompetence.
My wife seems to find herself in situations where her skills are needed. Just yesterday, she was coming home on the subway, and an elderly woman found herself in the exact situation as described above. There were a few people looking at her, debating whether or not she was OK because she was non-responsive.
Now this is not going to turn into a rant of the callousness of the generic populace. No. If that was me, I would have been just as confused as the rest of them. That reminds me of a CRPG where there may be a dead or injured body lying on the ground and you may have completely looted their house, but the NPC’s are happy in their exact same spot saying useful things like, “”This town has a great view!”
Anyway, Keren, who is my wife, checks the woman out, finds her injuries, and a security guard comes by and asks if an ambulance has been called. The response by the onlookers was negatory. The guard asks Keren if he should call them, to which Keren answered “Yes.” And I don’t mean, “Yes, please, that would be most kind of you.” I mean the “Why in blazes are you asking me such an inane question when you could be on the phone right now?” kind of ‘yes’.
At least that’s how I heard it when she told the story. Actually, the way I envisioned it, Keren was in a white flowing gown with a radiant glow. And armed at her side were lightsabers. But I think she left those details out.
The women was fine in the end. Once the ambulance came, things moved quickly. The poor woman was a bit miffed because a broken arm was very ‘inconvenient’. She was an artist, and she tried to fall and not hurt her painting arm. She was also planning a trip to Ireland. A friend of hers had recently died but left in her will a trip to Ireland for Peggy. That was her first name. I hope it’s ok to indulge that. If not, don’t repeat this to anyone.
This was originally a short story on Dove, my wife. But I’ve rambled again. The point is, Keren is always running into these situations. From heart attacks to this one sad story of this older woman that fell on the escalator (it’s a death trap for the elderly it seems, and crocs too) and her husband was desperately trying to pull her off while people were skittering around them in that frantic, rush hour, race for standing space on public transit.
Dove is there for people, especially when they are hurt, and fortunately, I am not the one there. If you are of a more spiritual nature, you may think God utilizes people like Dove very well. I think He places me in the, ‘variable unknown’ bin. 😀
She’s wonderful, that Dove. If you ever find yourself in a situation warranting a compassionate, competent and lovely woman, then Dove will come flying in! On Pegasus! With lasers! If it’s me she’s saving, I also hope she’ll be in a bikini! WHOO HOO! Oh crums… I crossed that line again. Social tact is hard.