Random Zoe Cutieness

Well, Zoe, with this new system I installed, we can see how many posts you get in comparison to Ekko. It’s about 30 for you, and 90 for Ekko. In our defense, Ekko has two years ahead. So that will be our excuse.

As you probably know, we are planning on printing these things out and giving the letters to you. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to retain the pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures from the previous system didn’t make it, I will have to manually go in and fix them. That’s how much I love you, and how hard we work for you. When you are 16, and angry with your father because I drove yet another boyrfriend away with my obsessive gaming disorder, you can pull these out, and realize that we probably have issues with boundaries considering that we put it all on the internet. Then you may cut me some slack, and realize how great your daddy is regardless of all of that, and possibly buy me a video game.

Teenagers. Brrrr.

However, this post is about you and how cute you are. I don’t know where these pics were, I found them in the temp drive after doing some clean up and snooping on mommy, making sure she’s not surfing for porn, and here I find pics of you kids taken by Marion! Now, I don’t recall seeing these pics, so that means mommy has been hiding extra cute pictures from the world, but I’m here to break that media blackout!

The pictures are adorable, they are of you and Ekko when mommy and I went to see Spamalot. You kids look all grungy, like you fit on the front of some National Geographic page taking picture of kids living in the alley. If only I had a picture of an alleyway, I could photoshop you in, but that would take a lot of work, and lately, I can’t look at a computer for long periods of time with developing some sort of headache or eyestrain, I’m really overworked currently.

But once again, this letter is a testament of my love towards you, because despite all that, I will write you and tell you how much Daddy loves you. I haven’t programmed you as well as I have Ekko. When I say, “Who loves you?”, you usually list off a bunch of people, as opposed to the knee jerk reaction of “Daddy!”. I have a lot of work to do. I blame mommy and her breastfeeding.